Barbara Streisand For President 2004

Note: This site is not endorsed by Barbara Streisand who is not really running for President

This is not a genuine Presidential Campaign site this is instead a Political Satire site so while indeed some of the statements listed are statements Barbara Streisand herself has actually made some of the speeches listed are Fictionalized Speeches.

This site is put up in Response to Barbara Streisand's Campaign Pledges to several Democratic Presidental Candidates.

I decided that cause of this I wanted to make a Mock Campaign site saying that Streisand is running for President.

The Presidential Agenda
If Elected
Barbara Streisand would

Keep allowing Baby killing Clinics to Operate.

Give Saddam Hussein the title of God

Dismantle The Military

Grant Asylum to Terrorists

Raise the Taxes on The Poor and Middle Class

Throw all Republicans in Jail

Make it illegal for everyone except Authorities to Purchase and Own a Gun

Ban Christianity and Judaism

Require everyone to worship Saddam Hussein

Jail anyone who disagrees with her

The Planned Streisand Administration
President: Barbara Streisand

Vice President: Susan Sarandon

Secretary Of State: Sean Penn

Attorney General: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Secretary Of Defense: Jane Fonda

Secretary of Agriculture: Janeanne Garafolo

Secretary Of Commerce: Robert Byrd

Secretary Of Education: George Clooney

Secretary Of Health and
Human Services: Joseph Lieberman

Secretary Of Labor: Alec Baldwin

Secretary Of Housing
And Urban Development: Oliver Stone

Secretary Of Transportation: Edward "Ted" Kennedy

Secretary Of Homeland Security: Michael Moore

How To Help The Campaign
That's right Barbara Streisand and her future Administration do not wanna use their own money to Finance the Campaign when they can use money from Non-Rich people like you.

Yes we need lots and lots of Poor and Middle Class people and perhaps some not so famous Millonaires to pool in money for this Campaign

If you are Poor or Middle Class and own a Credit Card please max it out when donating to us it will be worth going into so much Debt to get Streisand Elected.

There's a Reward for it too we Promise

If you wish to send Check or Money Order instead
make it payable to:

Barbara Streisand For President 2004
P.O. Box 666
Beverly Hills, California 90210

*Note this is not a real Address so please don't actually try mailing anything to this Address.
Thank You

Legal Disclaimers
For Legal Purposes we must inform the viewer that this site as been formed in accordance with the Fair Use Act which legally allows for Parodies and stuff like that.

We do not intend to commit any Copyright Violations on this site at all.

If anything on here is violating copyright law please let us know and we will be glad to remove it immediately.

Yes we admit we are not Democrats but are in fact Conservative Republicans who are rather getting a kick out of Babs donating to several Democratic Presidential Candidates so we decided what the heck lets made a Streisand for President Web Site and create some Fictional Political Satire.


We are experiencing some Technical Difficulties
with this site at the moment we will have it
taken care of as soon as possible Thank You

Barbara Streisand For President